Monday, February 15, 2010

Are you FUN to network with?

GetConnected2010 ( was an enriching 3-day experience on Miami Beach a few short weekends ago organized by PMC Events to celebrate International Networking Week ( Those of us who attended enjoyed several expert presentations, while networking with high-quality local, national and international professionals. While listening to several of the speakers, I was reminded of the six fun ways to network, and I hope you enjoy it.

Become FUN to REFER!

A referral is the best compliment another professional can pay to you, and your business; however, so many professionals forget the most important thing about being referred: to make the person or company referring you, look great, which makes you fun to refer! If you provide a world-class experience in your field, especially for those clients, friends, industry partners, and family who think enough of you to refer you, you’ll grow your business – guaranteed!

Become FUN to MEET!

A critical element of networking is meeting people. We attend so many events (seminars, continuing education classes, various training sessions, the frequent happy hour, chamber of commerce luncheons, etc.) How many times have you experienced “that person” who talks incessantly about themselves, who talks non-stop about the blah blah blah of their business, when all you really hoped for was a brief, yet meaningful introduction? First impressions create very lasting memories, so when you are meeting someone for the first time, prepare to be clear and concise in your communication – so that you can briefly and effectively say who are, what you do, how it helps others, and be prepared to ask for (and receive) a business card for future follow up. Ask yourself - are you fun to meet?

Become FUN to INVITE!

Do you suffer from too many event invitations, or not enough? If you answered the latter, then this paragraph is for you. While there are no hard and fast rules on “getting invited”, here are a few thoughts that will make you fun to invite: mix well in a diverse group of people, keep politics, sex, religion, and other personal items to yourself, stay current on your local, national and global news, while always bringing something of relevance to the host of the event, such as a bottle of wine, scotch, or a donation. These are not hard and fast rules, but rather ideas on how you can always be flooded with the right type of invitations, by being FUN to invite!

Become FUN to INVOLVE!

Society today moves as the speed of thought. Text messaging, Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin and Cloud computing have us all craving for less tech and more personal interpersonal-interaction. Our communities have so much need, including a need for: money, volunteer time, expertise, and other basics – that if we’d all just work a little harder, and more together, we could dramatically reduce if not overcome these shortcomings. Think about what really matters to you. Think about how you can make an impact. Think about how society would benefit if more people like you stepped up. Then take an interest, and learn more. Take the risk, attend a meeting or an event. Take action! Serve on a board. Feed the homeless. Tutor a young child. Mentor a fellow business owner. Visit a local senior. Walk for a cause. Sponsor an event. And remember, when you become fun to involve, everyone wins!

Become FUN to SUPPORT!

Already involved in your community? Great! Have you developed a following for what you’re involved in? Invite your friends, family, colleagues and network to learn more about what you’re involved in, and most importantly why it matters to you and/or to our community, and you will start to become fun to support. By keeping your network actively aware of your efforts, it will build awareness, generate interest, and create a positive momentum that will make you fun to support!


Word of mouth is a powerful form of advertising and it is always working. The question: is it working for you? What do other people, companies, friends and family say about you, your business, and/or the way you live your life? Praise is fun, powerful, and a very motivating action; however, the likelihood is today that you’ll hear 5 criticisms for every 1 compliment. Why is that? Without delving into the labyrinth of psychological theories on the subject, it can be summed up in a simple way: act and do more positive things in better and more visible ways so that you can become more fun to compliment!


Unknown said...

Really nice post! You've come with interesting ways of making people aware as to how they can get involved and come up with effective ways of networking. I am sure your six points will be helpful guidelines to most out there.
Continuing Education

Unknown said...

Ok, now you have to get cracking on these posts. I'm going to be following so brew some coffee and get started!!!